Every company, vendor, customer, contractor, boss, friend, or family member has customers, vendors, employees, or close friends who can be difficult in certain circumstances. Some managers, supervisors, or employees find themselves dreading their job every day, because they have to deal with someone who is so difficult. Some people find that going to work has given them a sense of relief from diff...
Michael Jessica - Convert difficult people to friends
Convert difficult people to friends
Gain the confidence of your boss, co-worker, family members and friends in 30 days
Michael Jessica
Every company, vendor, customer, contractor, boss, friend, or family member has customers, vendors, employees, or close friends who can be difficult in certain circumstances. Some managers, supervisors, or employees find themselves dreading their job every day, because they have to deal with someone who is so difficult. Some people find that going to work has given them a sense of relief from difficult circumstances at home. In addition to being ineffective, aggravating and expensive, allowing people to continuously cause trouble is also unproductive. You can learn how to handle difficult people in your work and at home by learning and applying skills you have acquired.