Teenagers during the lockdown PDF
Dear parent, have you ever thought what returning to reality will be like for your teenage children? We all know that it won’t be possible to revert straight away to our old routine and in many ways we might be even afraid of doing so. Have you ever thought how your children will react to this further change? Will they be ready or hesitant to accept this new reality? Will they feel comfortable w...

Nan Coosemans - Teenagers during the lockdown

Teenagers during the lockdown

7 steps to guide your children through this challenging time

Nan Coosemans, Florian Hiele

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Published by
StreetLib eBooks



Dear parent, have you ever thought what returning to reality will be like for your teenage children?

We all know that it won’t be possible to revert straight away to our old routine and in many ways we might be even afraid of doing so.

Have you ever thought how your children will react to this further change? Will they be ready or hesitant to accept this new reality? Will they feel comfortable when in public spaces or will fear be a constant companion?

What can you, as their parent, do to accompany them in this phase and help them live their post epidemic reality with confidence and ease? You will have to redefine the rules, and at the same time welcome their emotional states and help them cope any time they feel discouraged.

It’s important for you to act now, in the present moment, and start preparing them emotionally, mentally and physically for their return to a social life.

This is what we had in mind in writing this handbook for you. It contains 7 easy steps to help you guide your children in their return to reality, keeping a close watch on preserving their serenity and safety.

"I read Younit'e e-book and it made me think a lot about the change of perspective. I also followed the online webinars that allowed me better to understand my son's character"
Barbara Cocchi

"By understanding better the type of character of my son I also understand more about how to approach him. In this period we spend a lot more time together that really united us even more. The important thing that we can never stop doing as a parent is to challenge ourselves without feeling guilty but only to improve the relationship with our children. In this book they give you tools to use right away without wasting extra time"
Michela Zaniboni

"This period is creating me anxiety and I was realizing that I was transferring it to my boys. I always tried to find solutions for them and seeing them laying on the couch with boredom made me distress. I understood the importance of some "privacy time" for them and for me.”
Elisabetta Ghinazzi


Nan Coosemans
Founder of Younite®, Trainer, researcher, Family and Youth Coach, author of the book “Quello che i ragazzi non dicono” (“What teens don’t’ tell you”) published by Sperling & Kupfer and mother of 3 boys. Nan has over 20 years of experience in the world of personal development and in 2010 she founded Younite®, a training company for youths and families and in 2016 Genitori in Azione, the first online school for parents of teenagers. She studied several years in the USA, The Netherlands and the UK. Together with the team from Younite® she has worked with thousands of teenagers and their families in The Netherlands and Italy.
She is co-founder of the YADA academy, the first training school in Italy for Youth Trainers and Family Coaches

Florian Hiele
Founder of YADA, speaker, writer, and researcher. He was introduced to the world of personal development at the age of 17. After overcoming his social anxiety and depression, his life mission became putting teenagers in contact with personal development. He has successfully coached hundreds of clients (both adults and teenagers). He studied in Europe and in the USA in multiple elds: psychology, human behaviour and learning behaviours. He has PNL, EE, TLT and VT certifications, specializes in phobias and social anxieties and over 13 years of experience in teaching and training teenagers internationally. Co-founder of Younite®, Founder of YADA, Founder o

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