Either for adults or children, cookies are desserts that everyone in the family enjoys and loves to munch on while they spend quality family time together. Asides from being everyone’s favorite, cookies are easy and swift to prepare by both old and young!
And the best part of cookies is that they fit into every diet plan you can think of. Either for vegans, Ketogenic dieters, Atkins, Paleo diete...
Ida Smith - Cookie Recipes for The Whole Family
Cookie Recipes for The Whole Family
Quick and Easy to Make Cookie Recipes for Your Family
Ida Smith
Either for adults or children, cookies are desserts that everyone in the family enjoys and loves to munch on while they spend quality family time together. Asides from being everyone’s favorite, cookies are easy and swift to prepare by both old and young!
And the best part of cookies is that they fit into every diet plan you can think of. Either for vegans, Ketogenic dieters, Atkins, Paleo dieters, South Beach dieters, Vegetarians, and other types of dieters in the world.
Against these backdrops, this cookbook is targeted at helping you explore 30 different types of delicious and mouthwatering cookie recipes that everyone in the home can enjoy!!