Giulio Parise - Life of Arturo Reghini
Life of Arturo Reghini
Giulio Parise
Reading the works of Arturo Reghini - Pythagoricus Latomusque Insignis (Pythagorean and distinguished Freemason), as his tombstone is engraved in the Budrio cemetery - cannot fail to remind us how he was an absolute giant of Western initiatory thought, a giant whose memory today he is inexplicably clouded and neglected, also and above all in that free-masonry environment which would also have the moral duty not only to remember and rediscover him every day, but to treasure his studies and his precious teachings. But precisely in certain areas, which still owe him so much today, his figure is today considered “uncomfortable” or “cumbersome” and is therefore wronged by not remembering it, condemning it to a sort of tacit damnatio memoriae.The short but profound and inspiring biography of Arturo Reghini that we present today to our English-speaking readers was written in 1947 by Giulio Parise, a close friend and main collaborator and disciple of the great Florentine initiate. It was published by Parise the same year in the magazine of initiatory studies Mondo Occulto (Occult World), a few months after the death of its Master.