“Breaking the Silence: Narratives of Change” is an anthology compiled by Niharika Khurana & Kumar Shivam Katyayan. This book is an amazing anthology uniting various writers from different parts of the country and abroad. Each write-up is a masterpiece in itself from the young budding writers, raising their voice against this society and issues related to them....
Niharika Khurana - Breaking the Silence
Breaking the Silence
Narratives of Change
Niharika Khurana, Kumar Shivam Katyayan
“Breaking the Silence: Narratives of Change” is an anthology compiled by Niharika Khurana & Kumar Shivam Katyayan. This book is an amazing anthology uniting various writers from different parts of the country and abroad. Each write-up is a masterpiece in itself from the young budding writers, raising their voice against this society and issues related to them.