The Lees of Happiness PDF
According to The Canary Express this short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the best examples of Fitzgerald's often focus on the sense of disaster, or in this case the "sediment" of disaster after the happiness is ended when the husband in this happy marriage is stricken with a disease rendering him relatively lifeless and ending the happy marriage, despite his wife's continued devotion....

Francis Scott Fitzgerald - The Lees of Happiness

The Lees of Happiness

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

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Published by
StreetLib eBooks

30 Dec 2024


According to The Canary Express this short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the best examples of Fitzgerald's often focus on the sense of disaster, or in this case the "sediment" of disaster after the happiness is ended when the husband in this happy marriage is stricken with a disease rendering him relatively lifeless and ending the happy marriage, despite his wife's continued devotion.

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