Don Marquis - The Cruise of the Jasper B.
The Cruise of the Jasper B.
Don Marquis
The story is about a good-natured descendant of an 18th-century (Jerry Cleggert) pirate who resides aboard the rickety ship Jasper B. Cleggert is informed that in order to inherit a large inheritance, he must marry on his twenty-fifth birthday - otherwise he would relinquish all claims to his impending fortune.
Jerry soon meets his ideal would-be bride Agatha Fairhaven and the two immediately fall in love. Complications arise when the dastardly Reginald Maltravers attempts to cheat Agatha out of her inheritance.
The courting couple suffer a series of mishaps on the way to altar; they are waylaid en route by a trio of bandits, escape from a runaway taxi cab, and outrun a mob of unscrupulous state authorities.
Read the complete novel for further story....